One may ask, what are we opening?!
Several things will follow:
It might be too egocentric to introduce at
first the opening of the new blog-site of International Birding & Research Center
Eilat; so- spring will go first.
Winter sunset at IBRCE שקיעה חורפית בפארק הבינלאומי לציפורים אילת |
Spring had arrived to Eilat. Slowly, not
yet with vast quantities of migrants, not yet with amazing variety of species
but slowly and surely- migrants are here.
It started already in early January with Steppe
Eagles Aquila nipalensis עיט ערבות heading north-east.
First tremendous flocks (hundreds) of Pallid
Swifts Apus pallidus סיס חוורוור,
Rock Martins Ptyonoprogne fuligula סנונית מדבר
House Martins Delichon urbicum טסית בתים
and few Barn Swallows Hirundo
rustica סנונית
רפתות flying all
together were observed on January 4th at Elifaz (approximately 50km
north to Eilat).
Winter is always good time to focus Waders and other Water birds. Now we enjoy few Whiskered Terns Chlidonias
hybrida מרומית לבנת לחיover water sources around southern Arava Valley . Magnificent flocks of 4 Swallows
species mentioned above are passing daily (in lower numbers, but continuously).
Waders and juvenile Flamingo at IBRCE salt pond חופמאים ופלמינגו צעיר בבריכת המלח של פארק הציפורים |
Other birds around water sources- Great Cormorants Phalacrocorax carbo at K19עוד ציפורי מים באזור אילת- קורמורן גדול בק"מ ה-19 |
Western Reef Egret Egretta gularis at Northern Beach, Eilat. לבנית ים סוף בחוץ הצפוני של אילת |
During winter our bird-ringing project
slows down a little. Instead, we are focusing on many educational projects,
maintaining the Park's vegetation+ foundations, joining the yearly Israeli
water-birds count, making other different surveys etc. Not too much spare time
is left for ringing our wintering birds, what we obviously do despite the lack
of time.
On 11th of January we ringed
the first spring migrant- 2nd year (5 in Euring code) Common Whitethroat Sylvia
communis סבכי
קוצים. January 28th
remarked a new step towards "real" spring ringings- two Reed
Warblers Acrocephalus scirpaceus קנית קטנה, after winter moult in Africa , were ringed. All three warblers with
low, yet valid, score of fat.
Not only the migrants are celebrating the
longer and warmer days. Many locals had started singing- Spectacled Bulbuls
Pycnonotus xanthopygos בולבולים
are leading, Sardinian Warblers Sylvia melanocephala momus סבכים שחורי ראש are
giving fight, tinny Prinia Warblers Prinia gracilis פשושים invest all their energy so they'll be
heard from a distance. (I'll avoid the description of our volunteers in short
sleeved T-shirts, singing in the thicket while fixing Heligoland traps).
We can't welcome the spring without
sharing with you some of our favorite wintering species- Pallid Scops Owl
Otus brucei שעיר משורטט.
This winter at the Arava Valley very few PSO were observed (about 5 in total). One of them was ringed at the
IBRCE Park, found asleep early in the morning.
Pallid Scops Owl Otus brucei שעיר משורטט |
Pallid Scops Owl Otus brucei שעיר משורטט |
Pallid Scops Owl Otus brucei שעיר משורטט |
Pallid Scops Owl Otus brucei שעיר משורטט |
Desert Warblers Sylvia nana at Evrona סבכי מדבר בעברונה |
Preperations for spring 2014 included ringing course with the best of our volunteers: